Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blears PC loss - officials blamed

Information on a computer stolen from Communities Secretary Hazel Blears' office had been sent in breach of data security rules, it has emerged. So reports the BBC.

If the Mp's of this country had to pay for the bits of kit they leave all over the place maybe they would look after it.

Normal people have to save for months to afford a new laptop, I bet this one cost her nothing in money but its cost her a whole load of political trouble.

Wonder of wonders, what excuse did they come up with ? The Communities and Local Government department admitted its officials had "not fully" complied with guidance on handling sensitive data.

This fills me with dread after all the information that our government departmental officials have managed to LOSE over the past 12 months. But they are still going ahead with the ill thought out idea of ID cards.

I say lets treat them like bras were treated in my youth, big bomb fires spring to mind.

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