Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Window Licker ??????

George Galloway under fire again after calling Twitter user a 'window licker'

Just what or who does George Galloway think he is? What part of respect is it that he can use such a derogatory term as an insult.

Tis bad enough that members of the Conservative and Liberal parties are crucifying the disabled. Now we have Gorgeous George joining in.
Please can someone from the RESPECT PARTY explain to me how you can have this person to represent you???
I wonder what the disabled members of the "Respect Party" think to be associated with comments like that.
Why not contact the Respect Party and ask how long they want to be know as the party that has insulted the sick and disabled!

In fairness I have received this link from the respect party in answer to my email.

Monday, August 27, 2012

But for the grace of god there go you.

Why are our government determined to turn the public against the disabled? Most disabled people (yes I did say PEOPLE) would love to have the opportunities that "normal" people have.
The freedom to walk without a wheelchair or crutches, the ability to put their own food in their mouths. The opportunity to work for a living and to have the funds to lead a social life. To be able to go down a street without being marginalise by the government that is pledged to support them.
The care in the community that is non existent, this fallacy is perpetrated by a government that has deliberately turned public opinion against the most underprivileged in society.
Have a look at this blog can you read this and disagree? Not if your human. Some people if they were not born with silver spoons in their mouths would know the hardships that careers of the disabled suffer. I do wonder when was the last time that certain members of our government who have disabled family members had to struggle?
But members of our government who are millionaires still claimed DLA for their disabled family members bet they do not get called in to have a medical and then get refused.
Just think what things would be like for you if you woke up tomorrow with a body that did not work and you had to rely on benefits that the government would be continuously trying to cut or stop, to neighbours and lifetime friends who would shun you and think/say out loud that you were a waste of space a scrounger and lazy.
Have a look at this video REMEMBER IT COULD BE YOU TOMORROW.
Have a
- Posted from outer space.